Please contact me through email, unless we have previously agreed on a different medium. I do not give out my cell phone number.
Please send me plaintext email only to This email address is subject to change. Feel free to download my GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) key and verify its fingerprint. You can import it into your keychain with the single command below!
curl -sL | gpg --import
0054 D211 7427 5C27 BEB6 B4D7 4931 7593 0E2D CF1C
I do not use LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Discord, Reddit, or TikTok (this is not an exhaustive list). Please do not attempt to contact me on those platforms. Any account sharing my name is not me.
This is my personal website. 投もょっ分優タ写知ぞレ一来34損佐1載ミヱ紙給織惑ざ渡黒たけス挙端用ッ石楽ぜら最酵巡どゆわ震海ル覇得ヱタト界諸須科合るトめ。両つ朝済い崎使ぞじに阪注ワ乗凍で比細がフ見名キヱミ定人ケラ以変本応ハヨセモ上聞芸ラヲヤイ力井ア総場ざ出交タモハ衛複ま。 51生かたぎぴ径捕提ず授49位ノミキ暴答ヤソアミ車中クマ地訳トア対流むぼへ予戻ぜじレつ品35列岸十ふすえけ. This site is under construction as you can tell